Hand & Wrist
Hand & Wrist
Hands and wrists are critical for our daily activities, and pain or injuries in these areas can cause significant inconvenience. Let’s explore some common hand and wrist conditions and how they can be treated.

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Wrist Fracture
Fractures in the wrist are quite common, and both children and adults can be affected. While some fractures may only require a cast or brace, others may need surgery to heal correctly. At our clinic, we offer state-of-the-art bracing options and expert care to help you recover faster and better.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Do you experience pain, numbness, or tingling in your fingers? It could be a sign of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This condition occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the hand, becomes compressed at the wrist. We can help you learn more about this condition and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Ganglion Cyst
A fluid-filled sac on the palm-side or back side of the wrist may be a Ganglion Cyst. Although these cysts may cause irritation from time to time, they can often be treated effectively without surgery through simple in-office procedures.
Trigger Finger
Trigger finger or thumb is a painful condition characterized by a popping or catching sensation in the finger or thumb. It occurs when a swollen area in the tendon catches as it glides with the movement of the fingers. An injection, brace, or surgery can often eliminate this problem.

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